
Innovative physical environments

Freedom of place.
According to longstanding tradition, every employee is tied to an individual desk. This was inevitable as all bookcases were situated next to this desk. Now this need is past. In our innovative thinking, we argue for making offices flexible.

Restoring the link between activity and tools (Activity Related Workplaces).
Analysis teaches that office work contains some generic activity types. For every activity type we define a specific work setting that supports this activity in the best possible way. We give people the freedom to choose the work setting that best supports people’s actual tasks and moods. Innovative concepts leverage interaction, concentration, creativity, team spirit.

The office as a multifunctional inspiring meeting place!

Innovative technological environments

Digital information.
90 % of all the information within a company is digitally produced, largely by the company itself. The remaining 10 % is very easy to digitize. Information is available everywhere, any time, any place. The problem is that this migration is not yet complete in our minds, culture and daily work practice.

Digital processes.
Digitizing work processes is followed after digitizing information. Work processes are redefined. More business is carried out digitally without any interpersonal contact at all. This influences forms of communication and collaboration within the company. Your workplace is any location with an internet connection. This can be in the office, travelling, at home or in a restaurant. Concept-international has a deep understanding of the design and implementation of a technology-driven workstyle.

Technology enables work on distance and virtual collaboration!

Green Office
Producing more, with less means